you scream that you don't wanna deal with more shit(pun) and use your bare hands to shove it back down. Scientist watches in anticipation and disgust.

after successfully forcing the shit orb down the bathtub's drain, Scientist celebrates your success and tells you to wash your hands and any piss you got on you during the canoe ride.

while washing yourself, you look in the mirror. you see red arms surrounding you, grabbing every inch of you.

you raise an arm, and a red hand looks to be pulling it up. you look at it, and the hands holding your eyes look like they're guiding them.

you decide to look away and let Scientist have a turn with the water.while they cleanse themself and refill their spray bottle and your water guns, you think about Person's words and what you saw in the this truly a game? is everyone truly just characters within it? are we being controlled? are our memories fake? are our thoughts really our own?

it's been a long... whatever the past few hours have been. you and Scientist lay against the door, Cop's dog leash tied to the showerhead. despite how uncomfortable the hard floor and walls are, Scientist quickly falls asleep, and you doze off soon after.

you're wandering a black void and approach two figures.

they greet you and say you're doing great. if you've died several times already, you're still progressing.only, they're not really talking to Detective. just you.
they ask if you're having fun.

it doesn't matter which you chose, because they all lead to this. just like how no matter how far you get, the protagonist will end up dead. but you probably already know that.

Detective tells them to shut up. they ask what's going on.Protag 1 asks, "Isn't it obvious?"
Protag 2 continues, "You're a puppet like we were."

they say in unison, "And you'll be here with us once the next chapter begins its creation, awaiting the birth of the last successor."

you wake up from your dream. you blink, unable to comprehend what you just experienced. it felt so real... but that feels weird to think.

you inhale and exhale. you don't want to think about any of it right now. not when danger could pop up at any time. you wish you knew how much time had passed, but you feel rested enough, so it probably doesn't matter.

you notice the shit orb from earlier is melting the wall and see piss zombies pulling it apart. you shake Scientist awake and watch as the zombies free Cop.

forced to ditch your zombie friend, the two of you book it out of there and run until you can no longer see the lake, bathroom, or zombies.

finally, a red stick figure is made visible in the distance, sitting on the ground on its device. excited, you pick up speed, pulling your tired friend along.

the red figure greets you and Scientist. he introduces himself as Fergie.

the shit orb sticks to the wall and melts it, letting the piss zombies in to attack you and Scientist.